Windshield wiper mechanism VAZ 2110

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Replacing the windshield wiper trapezoid (windshield wiper) on a VAZ 2110, 2111, 2112 may be required quite rarely, but still, after several years of using the car, car owners are faced with the fact that the trapezoid begins to work either intermittently or completely refuses to wave the windshield wipers in a heavy downpour. It is in this case that you will need to remove the trapezoid and see what the reason is... Perhaps the splines are eaten away, or maybe the motor is covered - it happens in different ways. Next, let’s look at how the wipers of a VAZ 2110, or rather the trapezoid, are replaced.

And so, in order to get to the trapezium of the wipers, you first need to remove the wipers themselves, and then remove the frill (unscrew the 4 fastening screws at the top and 7 at the bottom, as well as 2 nuts in the corners). To make it easier to access the windshield wiper trapezoid, you will need to remove the insulation trim in the engine compartment and move the expansion tank to the side. Then unscrew the nuts securing the trapezoid and the drive motor (two bolts on the sides and one on the bottom, and also disconnect the power plug for the wiper motor). Then, removing the trapezoid from the studs, turning it, we pull it out. Install in reverse order. It should be noted that for the tenth family two types of trapezoids are installed: old and new models.

The windshield wipers of the VAZ-2110 car themselves do not represent anything structurally complex. However, their failure, especially during heavy rainfall, can trigger an emergency situation. One of the main elements of windshield wipers or “brushes” is a trapezoid.

What is a windshield wiper trapezoid and what is it for?

How to replace the trapezium wipers on a VAZ 2110

The trapezoids are around here somewhere!

The wiper trapezium is a special unit that converts the engine impulse into forward movements of the windshield wipers.

Simply put, it is she who is responsible for their movement along the windshield or rear window of the car. Since weather conditions are often unpredictable, and the windshield must provide complete visibility, failure of this part must be quickly identified and corrected.

How to determine that a trapezoid is “kirdyk”

Kirdyk is a slang word meaning an extremely bad situation.

How to replace the trapezium wipers on a VAZ 2110

It happens that the retaining ring of the bushing breaks and the rod simply flies out.

The slightest disturbance in the operation of the trapezoid can lead to incorrect operation of the wipers. Usually this part is replaced with a new one, although in some cases you can get by with installing a repair kit. Its cost is significantly lower than the price of the entire part, although repairs will take much more time. Here is a list of the main signs by which you can determine that a part will soon fail:

  1. Windshield wipers begin to do their immediate job poorly. This occurs due to the weakening of pressure.
  2. An unusual noise is heard during operation.
  3. A backlash appears, which can be determined even visually, since the glass will be difficult to clean.
  4. It happens that the brushes move in one direction easily, but back with difficulty, constantly slowing down.

All these problems lead to the fact that the windshield remains dirty, with streaks and smudges.

Repair kit for VAZ-2110

Most often, plastic parts are destroyed in the trapezoid. In this case, a repair kit can help.

How to replace the trapezium wipers on a VAZ 2110

When purchasing a repair kit, pay attention to the part number.

If metal parts are damaged, you will have to replace the entire trapezoid. As a rule, the trapezoid is destroyed as a result of an accident, or due to careless handling of the windshield wiper system.

Why the wipers don't work

At some point, the car owner may notice that his wipers are not working. This may manifest itself in their complete stop or creaking operation.

Trapezoid Compatibility

First of all, look for the reason in the electric motor. But remember that mechanical problems also happen.

The most popular mechanical breakdowns of wipers:

  • When the cleaners turn on, the sound of the motor is heard, but the brushes do not move or twitch slightly. Most likely, the nut securing the crank to the gearbox axle has lost its grip or has become completely unscrewed.
  • Non-synchronous operation of the windshield wipers indicates a problem with the drive. Again, check the locking nut. When tightening the nut, be sure to first place the brushes in the correct position.

As for problems with the electrical component, they manifest themselves as follows:

  • The wiper moves very slowly, stops, then starts working again, does not stubbornly go to the lower position. Check the limit switch. By bending the contacts, it is adjusted in this way. If such a measure does not bear fruit, replace the entire VAZ 2110 wiper motor assembly, since the gearbox is built-in;
  • You have turned on the intermittent mode, but the brushes work non-stop. Here the problem lies in the relay, which needs to be replaced. If when you turn on the device you do not hear a sound from the rotation of the motor armature, then the relay is 100% to blame. If not, then check for burns and oxidation on the contacts;
  • When choosing any mode, you can only hear the clicking of the thermometallic fuse. At the same time, the anchor and brushes remain in place. Check to see if the brushes are frozen because of the frost and that’s why they don’t move. Either fuse F5 has blown, or the armature has burned out;
  • The electric motor does not turn on, although the fuses are good. Check the quality of contacts. This often causes a stuck brush or a burnt armature.

Part of the old and new sample

Selecting a new part for a VAZ-2110 is not such a simple matter. Not everyone knows that there are old and new trapezoids.

Therefore, it is better to remove the old part and take it to an auto parts store. They are not only attached differently, but also differ in the connectors through which they are connected to the motor. If you can’t find an old-style trapezoid, and this is exactly what you have, you’ll have to redo the system or look for a used part.

Device and possible malfunctions

To understand the operation of the wipers, you will need an electrical diagram, which is present in the VAZ 2110 operation and maintenance manual. You also need to know what the unit consists of:

  • The trapezoid is the main part through which the motor transmits movement; the trapezoid most often wears out, and as a result, repairs are needed.
  • Electric motor - due to this unit, the wipers move; the motor can burn out, which will cause the failure of the entire unit.
  • Pump - this element is needed to pump cleaning fluid into the wipers. If the pump breaks, then you can forget about keeping the front window clean, although the wipers will still run across the window.
  • Tank - everything is obvious here, it stores window cleaning fluid.
  • Windshield wiper – mounted on a trapezoid, performs a cleaning function. First of all, you need to pay attention to the size of the windshield wiper.

Repair and replacement are required when the motor is damaged, since it cannot be repaired. The trapezius also very often fails, but sometimes it can be restored. The assembly diagram is quite simple, so the owner of a VAZ 2110 will quickly discover the reason for the malfunction of the assembly.

Replacement process

The easiest way to get rid of problems with VAZ-2110 windshield wipers is to contact a service station. There the trapeze will be replaced in an hour or an hour and a half. But if unscrupulous repairmen notice that the owner does not understand the cause of the breakdown at all, they can repair the car for half a day, saying that the problem is very serious.

Therefore, the best option that will save money is to replace the part yourself . This process works as follows:

    First of all, you will need to dismantle the old trapezoid. To do this, you will have to disassemble and remove the windshield wiper arms. To do this, you will have to unscrew two nuts with a 12mm wrench. When removing the levers, you need to be careful, since powerful springs create a problem when removing them. It is better to bend the leashes first.

How to replace the trapezium wipers on a VAZ 2110

Disconnect the wiper motor gear pads.

How to replace the trapezium wipers on a VAZ 2110

Unscrew the nut of the left trapezoid fastening.

How to replace the trapezium wipers on a VAZ 2110

Unscrew the nut on the other side.

How to replace the trapezium wipers on a VAZ 2110

Unscrew the fastening of the gearmotor bracket.

How to replace the trapezium wipers on a VAZ 2110

Remove the trapezoid from the studs and remove it.

Only after this can the trapezoid be removed. The main thing is not to forget to disconnect all electrical connectors.

A new spare part must be assembled before installation, since it is in a disassembled state. When connecting parts, you need to make sure that all parts are aligned and adjusted. Only after this are the nuts tightened.

Before installing a new trapezoid, it is advisable to lubricate all its rubbing parts with graphite lubricant . Some advise using lithol , but it loses its properties at sub-zero temperatures.

Repairing a trapezoid using a repair kit

If the bushing in an old part is simply worn out, it is not necessary to change the entire trapezoid. It is enough to simply repair it using a repair kit . As a rule, it has everything you need. To repair the trapezoid, you will also have to remove it. When removing the wiper arms, you must try to act extremely carefully, otherwise you may damage the glass or paint on the edge of the hood.

Replacing the motor and windshield wiper trapezoid

Design of a windshield wiper on a VAZ 2110

it is quite reliable and during normal use the motor and the trapezoid itself can quietly move away for 300,000 km, which has been confirmed by the personal experience of many owners. But there are also exceptions to the rules.

Video instructions for replacing a trapezoid with a wiper motor on a VAZ 2110-2112

The control video below was recorded specifically for this website to provide a pleasant demonstration of the entire renovation. Repair kit for windshield wiper trapezoid VAZ 2110 -. I hope that everything is shown in an accessible and understandable way, so that even a beginner can understand it.

If you have any questions or obstacles while watching the video, you can ask in the comments under the video on my YouTube channel. Repair of the VAZ 2110 windshield wiper trapezoid - photo. Well, below we will look at this repair

in its usual form.

Photo report on the removal and installation of the windshield wiper trapezoid on a VAZ 2110-2112

When all the preparatory steps are done, everything will look something like this. The arrows at the top show the attachment points of the two nuts:

You need to unscrew them, of course.

After this, we disconnect the clamp securing the expansion tank and, lifting it up a little, move it to the side to gain access to the third trapezoid mounting nut.

After this, the nut can be unscrewed; it is located at the very bottom:

After you have dealt with this, you can carefully turn the trapezoid and remove it from the left side, slightly bending the metal frame below the windshield to the side (the force required is very small - there is no point in talking about any real bending!)

And lift it almost all the way to take it out:

All that remains is to disconnect the power plug:

And now you can finally remove the entire structure of the trapezoid and the wiper motor from the bore. If you need to disconnect and replace one motor, then in principle there will be no difficulties with this - just unscrew it and replace it.

Installation of all removed parts occurs in the reverse order. It is worth mentioning the prices of these spare parts. The cost of a trapezoid assembly with an engine for a VAZ 2110 is about 2000-3000 rubles from the manufacturer AvtoVAZ. Publication 'Repair kit for windshield wiper trapezoid VAZ 2110': Repair of trapezoid. Chinese analogues cost about 2000 rubles.


To repair this unit, you need a minimum of tools:

  • Set of keys and sockets.
  • Screwdriver Set.
  • WD-40.
  • Rags.
  • Replacement parts.

It is quite easy to determine which parts are not working. For example, if the wipers do not move, then the motor has failed. If the trapezoid moves, but the glass remains dirty, then the pump or tank is damaged. The size will help you understand what condition the part is in - if the size has decreased too much, then the element needs to be changed. In any case, you need to make sure of the speculations; for this you should analyze:

  1. The first step is to dismantle the car's dashboard;
  2. Next you need to find the relay related to this mechanism. It is screwed to the body of the VAZ 2110. If the electrical elements do not work, then the relay needs to be changed; repairs will not help;
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